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Exchange rates on December 22: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty

 Курс валют на 22 декабря: сколько стоят доллар, евро и злотый

The currency rose rapidly before the weekend.

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official exchange rate for Friday, December 22. The cost of a dollar is 37.55 UAH, which is 4 kopecks more. more than the previous day's rate. The euro rose by 22 kopecks, and the zloty by 2 kopecks.

This was reported to the NBU.

Dollar exchange rate

Euro exchange rate

Zloty exchange rate

Dollar exchange rate in banks

Euro exchange rate in banks

Zloty exchange rate in banks

In exchange offices, a dollar is sold for an average of 38.20 UAH. Buy for 37.50 UAH. Exchangers offer 40.20 UAH for euros . Sold for 41.00 UAH.

As reported, the exchange rate in Ukraine: the dollar has gone up. In the cash currency market, after fluctuations, an upward trend was clearly defined, the hryvnia noticeably fell in price.

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