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How pensions and salaries will be paid to state employees in 2024 – Shmygal’s explanation

 Как будут выплачивать пенсии и зарплаты бюджетникам в 2024 году — объяснение Шмыгаля

Next year, Ukraine will need more than $37 billion in external financing.

Pensions, as well as salaries of teachers and doctors, will be paid on time next year. Indexation of pension payments will take place in March 2024, as provided by law.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal assured this on Friday, December 29.

At the same time, he recalled that next year Ukraine will need more than $37 billion in external financing. In this regard, financing the 2024 budget deficit and the macro-financial situation have become the topic of active discussions.

“Now there are already agreements with eleven states on multi-year funding programs. There is an extended financing program with the IMF and support from other international financial organizations,” the head of government informed.

Denis Shmyhal also reported that today the Ukraine Facility plan was approved for submission to the European Commission.

Read also the leading news of the day:

“Agreement on the final version of the plan will give Ukraine access to a financial resource of 50 billion euros for 4 years, of which 39 billion euros will be used to ensure macro-financial stability,” the Prime Minister said.

Let us recall that the day before Bloomberg reported that Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal requested an emergency meeting with international donors due to “exceptionally high uncertainty” regarding the 2024 budget.

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