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Ukrainians will be able to receive monetary compensation for the purchase of Ukrainian goods – Zelensky

Ukrainians will be able to receive monetary compensation for the purchase of Ukrainian goods – Zelensky

Vladimir Zelensky announced cashback for the purchase of Ukrainian goods.

President Vladimir Zelensky said that Ukrainians will be able to receive compensation for part of the payment for goods and services produced in Ukraine. The “Buy Ukrainian” cashback program will start working this year.

He spoke about this at the presentation of the “Made in Ukraine” platform.

“For the purchase of certain types of goods and services produced in Ukraine citizens of Ukraine will be able to receive a refund of part of the funds on a special card,” he said.

According to the president, he gave the corresponding instructions to the government; this program is now being developed, and it should start working this year.

The goal of the program is to ensure that “Ukrainian money remains in Ukraine and works in Ukraine.”

“These are taxes, these are the salaries of our soldiers, these are the capabilities of our state, including defense. Already they are preparing the parameters of the Ukrainian cashback: financial and technical,” the head of state specified.

Recall that Zelensky first announced 31 thousand dead Ukrainian soldiers, but Western media call a different figure.

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