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Ukrainians' salaries are rising: the NBU explained the reasons

 Ukrainians' wages are rising : the NBU explained the reasons

Competition for qualified workers will increase among employers.

Salaries are gradually increasing in Ukraine , despite the limited number of qualified workers in the labor market. Employers are increasing payments against the backdrop of personnel problems and the growing number of migrants.

This is stated in the NBU report.

“Increasing wages, significant amounts of budget spending on the salaries of military personnel, indexation of pensions (from March) and an increase in payments tied to the minimum wage contributed to an increase in household income, which, in turn, supports consumer demand,” the NBU noted.

According to the NBU, the number of new vacancies, that is, the demand for labor remains in Ukraine. But surveys of business representatives indicate that a growing number of enterprises are finding it difficult to find both qualified and unqualified personnel. At the same time, the National Bank emphasizes that the number of job seekers, measured by the number of resumes on job search sites, continues to decline.

“This may be a consequence of both the resumption of employment and limited labor supply, including due to for mobilization and subsequent migration,” noted the NBU.

Recall that in Ukraine, from April 1, the minimum wage increased.

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