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Food prices to rise this fall: what kind of jump do experts predict

 Food prices to rise this fall: what kind of jump do experts predict

Food prices could rise by 5 to 10%.

The increase in food prices will occur gradually, most likely in the fall. It is associated with the introduction of generators in the processing industry.

LIGA writes about this.

In particular, the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine has preliminarily estimated the increase in generator costs at 5-7%. A similar figure – maximum up to 10% growth in cost price – is predicted by processing enterprises of other agricultural products.

“Most likely, the price increase due to generators will be in September, when there will be a seasonal decrease in the overall “food bill”, and the average consumer will hardly feel that he is compensating for the “generator” costs,” experts believe.

Long power outages in July led to breaks in the so-called temperature chains in the process of delivering products from the producer to the consumer and, as a result, spoilage of products.

In July, due to problems with electricity, the return of dairy products from retail chains to dairy plants increased by 20-30%.

Earlier it became known that in Ukraine a decision was made to “freeze” the subsistence minimum and minimum wage for the next three years. At the same time, only in 2025, according to the macroeconomic forecast, which is included in the budget declaration, inflation is expected at the level of 10%.

Rising prices for food products! What exactly will go up in price and by how much?

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