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NBU expects utility tariffs to increase for the population: when the figures will grow

 NBU expects utility tariffs to increase for the population: when will the figures grow

Starting next year, prices will change.

The National Bank predicts a difficult situation in the energy sector and the state budget, which will lead to a gradual increase in tariffs in the coming years.

This is stated in the NBU's message.

“It is expected that from 2025 tariffs will gradually be brought to their economically justified levels,” the report says.

It is noted that uncertainty about the timing and amount of tariff adjustments, especially energy tariffs, is a particular risk for the inflation forecast.

In particular, a significant increase in the cost of energy to quickly eliminate imbalances in the energy sector will become a source of additional inflationary pressure and will determine the need for a significant increase in subsidies for the population.

On the other hand, a longer delay in decisions to bring housing and communal services tariffs in line with economically justified levels will lead to a lower level of inflation, but will accumulate quasi-fiscal imbalances and worsen the financial condition of state energy companies, the NBU explains.

“The moratorium on increasing individual tariffs for housing and communal services for the population will limit the growth of administrative prices for some time. However, their gradual reduction to market levels, which according to assumptions will begin in 2025, will become a significant inflationary factor in 2025-2026,” the regulator notes.


During the war, there is a moratorium on increasing the cost of gas, hot water and heating in Ukraine. Electricity and cold water tariffs are not subject to this ban.

However, since June 1, electricity tariffs have increased in Ukraine. Now the average electricity bill will be 734.4 UAH instead of the previous 448.8 UAH. This is due to the increase in the tariff from 2.64 to 3.32 UAH per 1 kWh.

Insulated houses – lower utility bills: details from the correspondent of “Snidanok”

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