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Expert says fuel prices will rise due to new excise taxes

 Expert says whether fuel prices will rise due to new excise taxes

No significant changes in fuel prices should be expected yet

After the introduction of the new law on excise taxes on fuel, gasoline and diesel prices will not rise significantly. However, autogas may become more expensive up to UAH 33/l.

This was reported by the director of the consulting group “A95” Serhiy Kuyun to Ukrinform.

According to him, the increase in prices for gasoline and diesel may amount to UAH 1.5-2 per liter, which is within the limits of normal fluctuations.

Kuyun commented that significant changes in fuel prices should not be expected. Firstly, the increase in excise tax is insignificant, and secondly, companies have already made large reserves the day before.

Favorable conditions have developed on world markets, compensating for the growth of the tax component in the cost of fuel due to the reduction in purchase prices.

However, the price of liquefied gas in September may increase more than other types of fuel, up to UAH 33 per liter on average. This is due to a large increase in excise tax on autogas and problems with the accumulation of large reserves of fuel. Despite this, liquefied gas will remain a more cost-effective option compared to gasoline.

Recall that on September 1, Law No. 11256-2 on increasing excise taxes on fuel comes into force. The law sets new minimum excise tax rates: 359 euros per 1,000 liters of gasoline, 330 euros per 1,000 liters of diesel fuel, and 125 euros per 1,000 kg of liquefied gas. Experts believe that the increase in excise taxes will not affect the prices of gasoline and diesel, but may lead to an increase in the price of autogas.

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