This assistance will be available through the “Portal of Defenders”.
Kyiv residents who were wounded during the hostilities will receive a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 45,000 hryvnia from the city budget.
This was reported on the website of the Kyiv City Council.
The Department of Social and Veteran Policy of the Kyiv City State Administration is currently working on developing a payment procedure.
“We can assure you that this assistance will be available through the “Portal of Defenders and Defenders”. We will do everything to make the application as simple as possible and take only a few minutes,” said Marina Khonda, Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration for the Implementation of Self-Government Powers.
We remind you that internally displaced persons whose family's total income per person exceeds UAH 9,444 (4 subsistence minimums) per month will be deprived of payments.