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Exchange rates on September 30: how much are the dollar, euro and zloty worth

 Exchange rates for September 30: how much the dollar, euro and zloty are worth

The dollar exchange rate has fallen.

The National Bank of Ukraine set the official dollar exchange rate at UAH 41.2 for September 30. It fell by almost 1 kopeck.

The NBU reported this.

The euro is worth UAH 45.95. The official exchange rate of the Polish zloty is 10.75 UAH.

Dollar exchange rate in banks

“PrivatBank” – 40.85-41.45 UAH
“Oshchadbank” – 41.00-41.50 UAH
“FUIB” – 41.00-41.50 UAH
“UkrSibbank” – 40 ,90-41.50 UAH
“Ukreximbank” – 40.90-41.50 UAH

Euro exchange rate in banks

“PrivatBank” – 45.40-46.40 UAH
“Oshchadbank” – 45.55-46.50 UAH
“FUIB” – 45.70-46.30 UAH
“UkrSibbank” – 45.65-46.55 UAH
“Ukreximbank” – 45.65-46.45 UAH

Zloty exchange rate in banks

“PrivatBank” – 10.73-10.89 UAH
“Ukreximbank” – 10.70-11.00 UAH
“PUMB” – 10.30-10.80 UAH

What will happen to the exchange rate this week, moving between September and October, which is better: euro, dollar, are there other options, read in the weekly analytical project of the site ТСН.ua.

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