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Ukrainians can receive pension supplements: what additional payments are available

 Ukrainians can receive pension supplements: what additional payments are available

An additional payment to an old-age pension is assigned automatically when a pensioner turns 70, 75 and 80 years old.

Pensioners can receive various additional payments to their pension — some of them are assigned automatically, while for others you will need to submit an application.

This is discussed in the article “On Pension”.

Age-based additional payments

The supplement to the old-age pension is assigned automatically when the pensioner turns 70, 75 and 80 years old. The only condition is that the pension amount should not exceed UAH 10,340.35. Thus, pensioners whose birthday is in October will receive the following supplements:

UN Pension Supplement

Until the end of 2024, pensioners participating in the program of the Ministry of Social Policy and the UN World Food Program can receive an additional payment to their pension. This supplement is intended for pensioners with a pension of up to UAH 3,250 living in areas where hostilities are ongoing or may begin, according to the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories.

A mandatory condition for receiving payments is the absence of financial assistance from international organizations or the state since March 1, 2023.

Pension supplement for children

Pensioners who do not work and are raising children under 18 are entitled to a special supplement. This applies to pensioners receiving an old-age pension, a disability pension, or a pension for length of service. 150 hryvnia is paid for each child.

Supplement for single pensioners who need care

Single pensioners who need care assistance and receive an old-age pension are entitled to special supplements. The amount of this supplement is 40% of the subsistence minimum for disabled citizens (in 2024 – 944 hryvnia). To apply for such an additional payment, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, providing the relevant documents:

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