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Prices are creeping up: one of the salad vegetables has become more expensive in Ukraine

 Prices are creeping up: one of the salad vegetables has become more expensive in Ukraine

The supply of cucumbers on the market has decreased slightly.

In Ukraine, prices for greenhouse cucumbers continue to rise. This situation was caused by a number of reasons.

This was reported by analysts of the EastFruit project.

Market participants noted that the supply of cucumbers on the market has decreased somewhat due to unstable selections both in stationary plants and in film greenhouses. At the same time, the demand for cucumbers remained at a fairly high level.

As of October 11, greenhouse plants offered cucumbers at 50-65 UAH/kg ($1.21-1.58/kg), which is on average 11% more expensive than at the end of the previous working week.

According to market participants, the increase in prices for this vegetable is due to a fairly limited supply of greenhouse cucumbers in conditions of increased demand.

“The selections in the factories have noticeably decreased after the deterioration of weather conditions. Also, the lack of competition from imported products at the present time is supporting the prices of local vegetables,” the report says.

Analysts noted that greenhouse cucumbers in Ukraine are offered for sale at the same prices as in the 2023 and 2022 seasons.

However, market operators added that another increase in prices for local cucumbers could lead to a sharp increase in the supply of imported products.

“In the future, it will be more problematic for Ukrainian factories to compete with imported vegetables, since almost all of them are already forced to use heating. According to forecasts, average daily air temperatures in Ukraine will continue to decrease, which will directly affect the cost of production of greenhouse vegetables in the country,” the report says.

Earlier it became known that greenhouse factories in Ukraine are increasing prices for tomatoes. One of the reasons was the significant a decrease in the supply of greenhouse vegetables on the market, the demand for which remains fairly stable.

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