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Who are employers “hunting” for in Ukraine now: demographer tells

 Who are employers

From the employer's point of view, the ideal worker today is someone who is already 60 years old.

Today in Ukraine, mobilized men are being replaced in the workplace by women, as well as older men – it is they who are now being reoriented by employers.

Ella Libanova, Director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, reported this in an interview with Spiegel.

It is noted that the war in Ukraine has had a very negative impact on the economy. And mobilization has changed the labor market, and employers have been forced to change their approaches to finding workers.

According to Libanova, mobilized men are being replaced in the workplace by women, as well as older men. It is they who are now being “hunted” by employers.

“From the employer's point of view, the ideal worker today is someone who is already 60 years old and therefore cannot be drafted into the army,” the demographer said.

According to estimates by the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy, the country currently needs an additional 4.5 million workers. However, the expert noted, the shortage of labor was noticeable even before the war.

Libanova also reported on the pace of migration in Ukraine. Thus, in the first two weeks of full-scale migration, 1.5 million people left the country, and now there are no significant surges in migration in one direction or another. As for migration within Ukraine, at first many citizens moved from the northeast and southeast of the country, mainly in the direction of western Ukraine. But since the fall of 2022, more and more people have been settling in central Ukraine.

Recall that in September, Reuters published an article about how businesses in Ukraine are trying to cover an acute shortage of personnel by hiring more women for traditionally male positions, as well as turning to teenagers, students, and older workers.

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