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Prices for cucumbers have risen sharply in Ukraine: analysts have named the reason

 Cucumber prices have risen sharply in Ukraine: analysts have named the reason

Domestic products will appear only in February.

This week, cucumber prices have risen in Ukraine. The main reason for the price increase was the high demand for greenhouse vegetables.

This was reported by EastFruit analysts.

The price of greenhouse cucumbers now ranges from 100 to 140 UAH per kilogram ($2.37-3.31/kg), which is 20% more expensive compared to last week.

“At the same time, these products were steadily imported to the market from the external market, mainly from Turkey. However, despite the stable supplies, the existing supply of these products on the market was not enough to cover the current demands of buyers,” the report says.

Cucumbers on the market are already 20% more expensive than during this period last year. Domestic greenhouse complexes will begin to supply fresh cucumbers only from mid-February.

Recall that experts told how prices for vegetables and fruits have changed over the year.

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