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How much do Ukrainians have to pay for electricity in winter?

 How much do Ukrainians need to pay for electricity in winter

Owners of dual-zone meters and electric heating units can pay less under certain conditions. Find out the current electricity tariffs in Ukraine in winter 2025.

From February 1, 2025, the tariff for electricity for Ukrainians will remain unchanged. Household consumers will still pay UAH 4.32 for each kilowatt-hour used.

Electricity Tariffs 2025

The electricity tariff for household consumers will remain unchanged until at least April 30, 2025. This is provided for by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 632. The question of possible changes in the cost of electricity after this date remains open.

Now citizens pay 4.32 UAH per kWh. The price per kilowatt-hour in Ukraine is stable and does not depend on the volume of consumption and is fixed for:

Owners of two-zone meters and electric heating units can pay less under certain conditions.

The night tariff for dual-zone meters is 2.16 hryvnia, and the preferential tariff for electric heating units is 2.64 hryvnia per kilowatt-hour.

Night tariff for electricity

What tariff applies to dual-zone meters

Thanks to the dual-zone meter, the electricity tariff is divided into two:

Preferential tariff for electric heating

For owners of electric heating installations are entitled to a preferential tariff of 2.64 hryvnia per kilowatt-hour under certain conditions:

It was previously reported how much Ukrainians need to pay for electricity from January 1.

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