some experts predict an increase in the crop.
Arabica futures will fall by about 30 % by the end of 2025, since recent record prices are expected to restrain demand, and the first signs indicate a record harvest in Brazil next year.
This writes Reuters.
“Demand will stagnate in response to very high prices,” said one of the survey participants among traders and analysts.
prices were caused by the prospect of reducing the Arabica crop in Brazil, which is the largest coffee manufacturer, in the next season, in the next season 2025/26.
So, the average forecast of the Arabica crop in Brazil in 2025/26 is 40.55 million bags, which is less than in the previous season (43.4 million bags).
However, some participants pointed out the potential for a larger harvest in the 2026/27 season.
in 2024, the prices for coffee of the Arabica varieties were one of the most dynamic in raw materials and increased by about 70%. They continued to grow this year, reaching a record level of $ 4,2995 on February 11. The total crop in Brazil decreased to 64.6 million bags from 66.4 million arabica.
also predicts a larger crop in Vietnam, which is the leading manufacturer of Robusta – 29 million bags compared to 28 million in 2024/2025 years.
Recall, in November for the first time since 1997, futures on the most popular variety of Arabica coffee (Arabica) grew to the maximum . The peak contracts reached $ 3.11 per pound of Arabica.