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IT salaries: income fall, employees' reduction and industry prospects

reduction, rigid competition and the fall of salaries become a reality for many IT specialists. Tech LEAD and Architect lost in salaries, and General QA grew up in income. Who loses the most, and who managed to maintain income? What are the prospects for IT in 2025?

The Ukrainian IT industry is experiencing a difficult time: personnel reduction, increased competition and market instability force companies to review salary budgets. Despite this, the level of remuneration in the industry is still one of the highest.

how have the salaries of developers, testers and managers for the year have changed? Can it keep the status of the highest paid sphere? We understand trends and forecasts.

What professions have the largest salaries?

IT salaries are indicated in dollars. Since this is the international industry, the dollar serves as a universal currency that avoids currency risks and simplifies financial calculations.

developers in the Ukrainian IT sector-one of the highest paid specialists. However, the dynamics of their salaries indicates a general tendency to a decrease. These are the results of the Dou survey, the largest IT community in Ukraine.

Developers of the Tech LEAD level (responsible for the technical solutions and project architecture) and System Architect (designing the overall structure and interaction of software components) as of June 2024 were the only specialists whose salary increased compared to December 2023 ($ 200 and $ 200 and $ 200 and $ 200 $ 235, respectively). While the developers of the Team Lead level (leads the developers' team, coordinates their work) experienced the greatest drop in wages among other specialists – minus $ 175.

as of December 2024, System Architect earned the most, but their Medianna decreased by $ 325 in six months – to $ 6500 (272 thousand UAH).

The average salaries of Ukrainian IT specialists as of December 2024 :

The income of managers in IT compared to developers remains stably high level, testify to the results of the Dou salary survey. However, here the tendency to reduce salary in some categories is noticeable:

Delivery Managers (provides a timely and high -quality implementation of projects) Salary) Now at the same level as at the beginning of a full -scale invasion – $ 4500 (188 thousand UAH).

grocery managers have slightly higher income , than design:

So, as a percentage of juniors, they can count on a salary of 43% higher in the product product than in the prodge. Middle and Senior experts have a slightly less difference – by 35% and 14%.

Technical Project Manager (controls technical projects, coordinates the developers' team and ensures the implementation of technical requirements) has an income of $ 4000 (167 thousand. UAH). However, this sphere has a high scatter of salaries depending on the experience of a specialist.

The latest changes in the labor market, according to the Dou survey about QA specialists (testers) in Ukraine, demonstrate the most ambiguous trends. Over the past six months, almost all Automation QA titles (testing software using automated tests) have decreased in income:

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