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Water Tariffs Will Increase Twice: How Much Will Ukrainians Have to Pay

Water Tariffs Will Increase Twice: How Much Will Ukrainians Have to Pay

An update of electricity tariffs is also expected.

Water tariffs may rise again in Ukraine. In particular, water supply and sanitation may become more expensive in two stages, starting from April 1, 2025.

The publication “Na Pensii” writes about this.

The size of water tariffs in Ukraine is determined by local authorities. However, analyzing the information published on the website of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities, one can conclude that the residents of Kyiv may suffer the most from the increase, since it is in the capital that tariffs are traditionally higher.

The new tariffs may look like this:

At the same time, the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities explains that the increase in tariffs is necessary, since water supply companies need additional funds to maintain the operation of the system.

Let us recall that from April 1, 2025, natural gas consumers in Ukraine will have to pay additional costs.

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