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Official NBU exchange rate: The dollar has risen in price by 36 kopecks, the euro – by 57 kopecks

The National Bank of Ukraine set the official hryvnia exchange rate at 37.9824 UAH/$ on December 29, 2023. Thus, compared to the previous banking day, the NBU reduced the hryvnia exchange rate by 36 kopecks.

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Foreign exchange market

On December 29, the NBU set the official euro exchange rate at UAH 42.20 . The European currency rose in price by 57 kopecks.

By the closure of the interbank market, the dollar exchange rate increased by 27 kopecks in purchases and by 26 kopecks in sales. The euro rose in price by 26 kopecks in purchases and by 25 kopecks in sales.

Read: The National Bank explained why the official dollar exchange rate crossed the 37 hryvnia mark

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