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The Cabinet of Ministers has renewed the ban on the sale of fuel below the Euro-5 standard

The Ukrainian government has renewed requirements for fuel quality not lower than the Euro-5 environmental standard. The corresponding decision was made at a meeting on January 23. Government representative in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk reported this in Telegram.

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Thus, from January 24, 2024, the sale of fuel of Euro-3 and Euro-4 standards is prohibited in Ukraine.

This decision was made as part of Ukraine’s preparation for joining the European Union. According to EU requirements, all member countries must ensure the sale of fuel not below the Euro-5 standard until 2025.

We would like to remind you that in March 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers allowed the circulation of fuel of the Euro-3 environmental standard and “Euro-4”. This was done to meet the needs of the state economy during the period of martial law.

The explanatory note to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers states that “today, new routes for the supply of petroleum products have been established, market participants have concluded long-term contracts with European producers and international traders, the situation on the fuel market is stable. The needs of the economy of the state, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other consumers are met with gasoline and diesel fuel of appropriate quality and in the required volume.”

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