After the announcement of the intention to sell advertising in Telegram in the TON cryptocurrency, users expressed concern that the messenger would begin to control a significant part of the coin’s emission. The founder of the messenger, Pavel Durov, proposed a solution to this problem. He wrote about this in his blog.
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As Durov notes, the messenger team will be limited in the ownership of TON at a level of about 10% of the total supply of tokens. Any surplus is planned to be sold to long-term investors at a reduced price. However, these assets will be blocked for a period of 1 to 4 years – this will “stabilize the ecosystem and reduce volatility.”
Durov also announced that he is ready to consider applications from large investors (more than $1 million) interested in buying back the coin . He published an email address where investors can submit their proposals.
Previously, the founder of the messenger said that the owners of Telegram channels will receive a reward in TON for displaying advertising in the amount of 50%.