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Getmantsev explained the record number of new private entrepreneurs

The record increase in the number of registrations of new individual entrepreneurs may be associated with tax optimization and an attempt to bypass mobilization procedures. This was stated by the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danilo Getmantsev, in an interview with Ukrinform.

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According to him, the growing trend in the number of individual entrepreneurs is associated not only with the recovery of the Ukrainian economy.

“The economy is really recovering, but, unfortunately, not at the same pace as the number of individual entrepreneurs is growing,” Getmantsev said.

He believes that an increase in the number of individual entrepreneurs may be a tax evasion scheme, because there are no proper prerequisites for significant economic growth.

“And an increase in the number FOP is largely connected with the optimization of taxes and an attempt to bypass certain mobilization procedures – registration with the TCC at the time of hiring,” added the people’s deputy.


“Ministry of Finance” wrote that during the second year of a full-scale war, Ukrainians opened a record number of private entrepreneurs over the last decade – almost 315 thousand, and the number of new companies increased by 60% compared to the indicators in the first year of the great war.

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