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NBU fined Ukrposhta 17 million, also punished three banks and large exchangers: list

In February, the National Bank applied measures of influence to three banks and thirteen non-bank financial institutions for violations in the field of financial monitoring and currency legislation. This was reported by the NBU press service.

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Which banks were punished by the regulator

Crystalbank and Accordbank paid fines in the amount of UAH 400 thousand.

The first did not provide the NBU with the necessary information in accordance with the Law “On Preventing and Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Accordbank was punished for violating Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine “ On currency and foreign exchange transactions”, as well as other regulatory legal acts.

“The violation consists of the bank’s improper fulfillment of its obligations to carry out currency supervision, failure to take into account the requirements of Regulation No. 8 when carrying out currency supervision, namely, the bank, when conducting currency transactions on behalf of a client, did not take adequate and sufficient measures for a comprehensive analysis and verification of information/documents on currency transactions client,” reports the NBU.

The regulator also issued a written warning to Kominbank for violating the Law “On Preventing and Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.”< /p>

Ukrposhta will pay a fine of more than 17 million

Ukrposhta will pay a fine in the amount of UAH 17,387,053. for violation of the requirements of paragraph 2 of part two of Article 8 of the Law on NDP/TF in terms of failure to fulfill the obligation to ensure proper organization and conduct of primary financial monitoring.

Ukrposhta also received a written reservation.

Which financial institutions The NBU also punished FC TIGER INVEST LLC with fines in the amount of UAH 2,532,666.55 and UAH 17,000.00. AVENTUS UKRAINE LLC – fine in the amount of 1,428,327.20 UAH LLC MFK AVERS – fine in the amount of 1,400,000.00 UAH. LLC “PREMIUM FINANCE” – a fine in the amount of 1,000,000.00 UAH PJSC “UFG” – a fine in the amount of 600,000.00 UAH ODO “IC “PREMIER GARANT PROFI” – a fine in the amount of 595,000.00 UAH. FC PARTNER LLC, FC AXIOM LLC – fines in the amount of UAH 500,000.00. LLC “FC “CENTROFINANCE” – a fine in the amount of 400,000.00 UAH. LLC FINANCIAL INSTITUTION GGLA – fine in the amount of 300,000.00 UAH LLC FC MAGNAT – fine in the amount of 50,000.00 UAH LLC FC PROFINEF – fine in the amount of 17,000.00 UAH
    Ukrposhta NBU Financialmonitoring

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