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In Poland, they want to put the head of the central bank on trial

Deputies of the Polish Sejm on Tuesday, March 26, filed a petition to hold the head of the National Bank, Adam Glapinski, accountable before the State Tribunal (a court on violations of the constitution for senior officials). According to PAP, more than 190 coalition deputies signed it, the procedure can last from six to 12 months.

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Glapinsky was appointed to the position by the previous government – the Law and Justice party. The new coalition government led by Donald Tusk believes that Glapinski abused his powers by trying to help PiS win the October 2023 elections. A month before the elections, the Polish central bank cut interest rates by 0.75 percentage points, although inflation in the country remained at a double-digit level. The new Polish coalition called this step politically motivated.

The petition of the deputies lists seven more charges, including indirect financing of the budget deficit by purchasing state treasury bonds, interference in the foreign exchange market without the consent of the board of the central bank, politicization of the central bank, allocating quarterly bonuses to oneself, misleading the Minister of Finance when preparing the draft budget.

The appeal of the deputies should be considered by the constitutional committee of the Sejm. If the application meets all requirements, Glapinsky will have 30 days to submit written explanations.

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