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A new state bank and state insurer should appear in Ukraine: shares of Motor-Bank and Motor-Garant will be transferred to the State Property Fund

After completion of all legal procedures in the case of recovery of 100% of the shares of Motor-Bank and 90.1% of the insurance company Motor-Garant, the rights to them will be transferred to the state, namely, the State Property Fund of Ukraine. This was confirmed in an exclusive comment to the Ministry of Finance by the director of the Department of Sanctions Policy of the Ministry of Justice Inna Bogatykh.

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Yesterday it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court granted the claim of the Ministry of Justice for the application of sanctions in the form of recovery of assets from the ex-president of Motor Sich JSC Vyacheslav Boguslaev and the ex-manager of the company Petr Kononenko.

Cash, real estate, as well as corporate rights of a number of enterprises were collected from the state: Vinnitsa Aviation Plant LLC (100% of shares), SME Helicopters LLC (100%), Perspective High Technologies LLC (17%), etc. And also two financial institutions – JSC Motor-Bank (100% of shares) and TDV SK Motor-Garant (90.1%), and, as the Ministry of Justice has now explained, their shares will be transferred to the State Property Fund.< /p>

“But the appeal will take at least 2 months, and maybe longer (in the Deripaska case, the appeal dragged on for almost six months). Appeal is the last stage, there is no cassation. The decision is immediately sent to the State Property Fund of Ukraine, and then it depends on how quickly the property will be registered with the state. As a rule, we are talking about 1-2 months,” Inna Bogatykh commented on the nuances to the Ministry of Finance.

Currently there are 4 state banks in Ukraine: Privatbank, Oschadbank, Ukreximbank, Sense Bank (100% of shares owned by the state). And also two banks with state capital – Ukrgasbank (94.94% of shares from the Ministry of Finance) and First Investment Bank (88.89% of shares from the State Property Fund).

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