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Remittances to Ukraine continue to fall

Private remittances to Ukraine in January-March 2024 amounted to $2.63 billion, which is $250 million or 9% less than in the same period in 2023. This is evidenced by preliminary data from the National Bank.

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In particular, in March, remittances to Ukraine decreased to $0.87 billion, although in March last year they exceeded $1 billion.

At the same time, transfers from abroad to wages in March fell to $0.81 billion, which is 25% less than in March 2023 ($1.08 billion). After deducting expenses and taxes of migrants in the host country, net wages amounted to $0.54 billion.

At the same time, other private transfers remained at the level of March 2023 and amounted to $0.33 billion.

Ukraine received transfers worth $0.46 billion through official channels in March, and $0.41 billion through informal channels.

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