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In February, businesses received loans worth UAH 2.8 billion, guaranteed by the state on a portfolio basis

As part of the support for micro, small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, since the start of using the government guarantee instrument on a portfolio basis in December 2020, 44,620 loans have been issued for a total of UAH 142.7 billion. This is stated in a statement by the Ministry of Finance.

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How much was issued in February

In February, entrepreneurs received 791 loans for about UAH 2.8 billion, with the share of principal debt obligations guaranteed by the state amounting to UAH 1.6 billion.

As of March 1, 2025, 31 creditor banks service 21,734 loans worth UAH 75.1 billion. Principal liabilities, which are partially secured by government guarantees on a portfolio basis, amounted to about UAH 32.6 billion. This is 63% of the total limit of guarantees provided (UAH 51.7 billion).

The following banks are leaders in terms of the number of loans serviced as of March 1 under government guarantees on a portfolio basis:

The largest volume of loans is serviced in Kyiv – 2,594 loans for a total of UAH 9.7 billion, as well as in the following regions:

By type of economic activity, more loans partially secured by government guarantees on a portfolio basis are serviced in the following areas:

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