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Why the Russian Federation insists on a truce: Dikiy spoke about the problems of the occupiers

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This information was reported by Nv, reports URA-Inform.  

Former company commander of the battalion «Aidar» Yevgeny Dikiy noted that at this rate of use of shells, the Russian occupiers will run out of them in six months. For this reason, the Russians need a pause in the war to replenish their resources.

«With the same shells: we have problems and they have them, to put it mildly, not ideal. They have four million in stock and 1.1 million approximately annual output. Plus, a million was donated by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un», — he noted.

According to Dikiy, this is connected with a Russian information campaign aimed at trying to persuade Ukraine to a truce.

< p>«They really need a break to accumulate resources, to patch up the holes that we made for them over the summer. Recruit people, and most importantly — riveting iron and stockpiling it, and not constantly supplying it to the front directly from the factory. Hence this constant swing of this thesis about freezing the conflict», — said an ATO veteran.

We recall that it was previously reported that the time for negotiations has come: the Italian Defense Minister called for a political solution to the war in Ukraine.

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