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In the coming days: Kostenko announced the date of the decision on the mobilization bill

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24tv reported this information, reports URA-Inform.  

Colonel of the Security Service of Ukraine, Secretary of the Parliamentary Defense Committee Roman Kostenko said that a decision on the mobilization bill will be made next week.

«We are going item by item. The mobilization bill contains 73 pages of comparative tables alone. Almost every norm has questions of technical writing or determining its relationship to other laws. The hearing is now underway. The actual committee decision on the bill will come next week. We are planning for January 8-9,” he said.

At the same time, Roman Kostenko added that yesterday, Saturday, January 6, the Verkhovna Rada committee listened to the Ministry of Finance regarding the funds needed for mobilization.

We recall that it was previously reported that masks are sold in Ukraine so that they do not fit the TCC: what they look like (photo, video).

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