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Serious revenge for Kyivstar continues: hackers hacked a Moscow Internet provider

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This information was reported by Voynareal, reports URA-Inform.  

Hackers of the Blackjack group, who are probably related to the SBU, hacked the Moscow Internet provider «M9com». Ukrainian hackers managed to destroy the servers of this Russian Internet provider.

In particular, we are talking about 20 TB of deleted data. It is reported that these were: the company’s official website, branch websites, mail server, cyber protection services. As a consequence — Some residents of the Russian capital Moscow were left without the Internet and television.

In addition, our cyber warriors downloaded more than 10 GB of data from the company’s mail server and client databases, which they posted for anyone to study (link open via TOR).

At the same time, the hackers stated that «M9com» — This is one of the warm-up attacks before the real bad boom, which will be a serious revenge for «Kyivstar».

We recall that it was previously reported when the war in Ukraine will end: the AI ​​named six scenarios for the development of events.

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