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Trump gave a new order to Republicans on Ukraine: the media found out what it concerns

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This information was mentioned in the CNN material, reports URA-Inform.

< p>It is noted that this move is perceived as strategic maneuvering on the eve of possible presidential elections in the United States. According to reports, Trump is shaping the campaign by focusing on immigration policy and blaming current President Joe Biden for failing to effectively address the issue.

The former president advocates blocking additional funding for Ukraine and Israel for political reasons benefits, raising concerns among members of Congress, especially at a time when countries need support to strengthen their security.

According to media reports, Trump is seeking to use this issue in his campaign to highlight his leadership on immigration issues and create political difficulties for an opponent.

 Despite some efforts by members of the Senate of both parties to advance the border deal, its outcome remains in doubt. Trump's success in the New Hampshire and Iowa primaries adds weight to his possible nomination as a presidential candidate from the Republican Party, giving a new round of domestic political dynamics in the United States.

Recall that Biden presented an ultimatum to Texas and threatened military action: a condition was announced .

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