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Ignat spoke about the strange behavior of Russian missiles on the border with Poland

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This information was reported by Radiosvoboda, reports URA-Inform.  

During the shelling of Ukrainian territory on February 7, Russian cruise missiles constantly changed course. Representative of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat said that enemy targets were maneuvering in the West of our state before the border with Poland.

According to the military man, the missile is programmed on the eve of the strike, flies to a certain place where it is intended, and makes a turn , which is also inherent in programming, left-right, changes course.

«Thus, it can change course dozens of times. We actually flew to the Sambir region (Lviv region), which is not so far from the border with Poland, then we turned in the Lviv direction, then turned again in the direction of the Ternopil region. Such maneuvers were carried out in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Lvov regions», — he said about the movement of missiles.

Ignat also added that the Polish air force attracted its aircraft to protect its skies from Russian missiles.

We recall that it was previously reported that the Russians left tens of thousands of Ukrainians without electricity: where is the most difficult situation.

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