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Dikiy spoke about punishing the residents of the village of Kosmach: “Otherwise they will clear it as enemy territory” (video)

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This information was reported by TG «Real War», reports URA-Inform ”  

Veteran and former company commander of the Aidar battalion, Evgeniy Diky, expressed the opinion on air that the residents of the village of Kosmach (Ivano-Frankivsk region), who organized a protest against mobilization, should not be judged under the article “Hooliganism” , but for high treason.

At the same time, he emphasized that if this does not happen, then “the army will solve this problem.”

“If they chew, excuse me, snot, then we will see more and more such cases, and then the civil authorities will throw up their hands and tell the army to solve the problem. Believe me, the army will decide. But I would really not like Kosmach to be cleared as enemy territory», — said Evgeniy Dikiy.


Recall that it was previously reported that because of TCC raids, a mother and child were beaten: it became known about the incident in western Ukraine.

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