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Round-the-clock work of the TCC: will military commissars come to the houses of Ukrainians at night?

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This information was reported by Tsn, reports URA-Inform.  

Representatives of the TCC admit that they are waiting for more detailed explanations regarding exactly how they should act during the curfew. To this, the TCC added that they do not intend to deal with those who, for example, violate the curfew, noting that this is a police matter.

“For example, if we talk about the VVK, it does not take place on the basis of the TCC. As for our work, since 2014 all Ukrainian military personnel have been transferred to a special duty regime, that is, 24/7. And during martial law — even more so,” — reported to the TCC.

In turn, lawyer Rostislav Kravets believes that now there will be no fundamental changes due to permission for the TCC to work around the clock:

“I believe that this was done so that it would be possible to involve civilians in round-the-clock work,” — says the lawyer.

At the same time, he added:

“If it happens that representatives of the TCC came to the person home, that is, the right not to open the door. Without a ruling from the investigating judge to allow these persons into this residential premises or household, the person has the right not to allow anyone in. If we are talking about a yard, then they also have no right to enter it without the owner’s consent. Entry without consent is illegal entry.”

We recall that it was previously reported when the Rada may consider the bill on mobilization in the second reading: Stefanchuk’s statement.

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