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Mowgli girl Oksana Malaya: how her fate turned out and what she looks like now (photo)

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In the early 90s, the whole world was shocked by the story of the Ukrainian Mowgli girl, Oksana Malaya, whose fate developed in a unique combination with domestic dogs.

This information was reported by the Daily Star, reports URA-Inform.  

Born in the village of Novaya Blagoveshchenka, Kherson region, 3-year-old Oksana, rejected by her alcoholic father and mother, who could not cope with a “large number of children,” found her faithful friends among dogs.

Her first encounter with the world of dogs occurred on a frosty night when she was left outside. Oksana joined the dog pack, living in a kennel, walking on all fours and making sounds imitating her new friends.

After 6 years spent with dogs, Oksana was discovered in 1991 and taken to an orphanage. Here, under the care of social services, she gradually adapted to human life, undergoing speech therapy and mastering walking skills.

Despite the successful adaptation, sometimes, when she feels lonely, Oksana exhibits elements of dog behavior.< /p>

Now 42-year-old Oksana said that in 2012 Fedor, a laborer from Kazan, proposed marriage to her after he saw Oksana’s story on TV. Despite the attention and proposal, the girl refused the marriage.

Oksana currently lives in a clinic in Odessa, where she finds solace in caring for animals and is actively involved in farming activities near the hospital.

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