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In Kyiv, the removal of parking fees was canceled: court decision

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Chairman of the Northern Interregional Territorial Branch of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine Alexey Khmelnitsky said that from Wednesday, February 21, in Kiev has abolished parking fees.

This information was reported by Alexey Khmelnitsky, URA-Inform reports.  

The Antimonopoly Committee is waiting for the approval of new justified tariffs from the Kiev authorities.

«From today (February 21 , — ed.) they cannot charge a fee for parking in Kyiv. The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal of Kyiv confirmed the decision of the District Administrative Court to invalidate and cancel the order of the Kyiv City State Administration, which approved tariffs for paid parking in the city. We are waiting for truly new and reasonable tariffs from the Kyiv authorities» — wrote Khmelnytsky.

According to him, the court of appeal confirmed that the order of the Kyiv City State Administration dated November 7, 2022 No. 735 establishing tariffs of 35 hryvnia per hour in the first zone (25 and 5 hryvnia — in the second and third, respectively) KP «Kievtransparkservice» for services for the use of areas for paid parking of vehicles, which are provided by the KP, — illegal.

He noted that the court's decision had entered into legal force.

We would like to remind you that it was previously reported that another metro station could be closed: the reason was announced.

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