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The Armed Forces of Ukraine have success near Ugledar: it became known what kind of blow was dealt to the Russian Federation

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On the front line near the village of Shevchenko in the Ugledarsky direction, the Ukrainian military repelled an attack by an offensive group of Russian forces.

This information was reported by Dialog.UA, reports URA-Inform.

By According to the 58th separate motorized infantry brigade, they had to fight for several days, repelling a new assault from Russian troops in the Donetsk region. The Russian command deployed marines to attack the Ukrainian positions, reinforced by tanks, BMP-3, BMD-4 and armored personnel carriers «MT-LB».

However, thanks to the tenacity and courage of the Ukrainian military, they managed to stop and defeat the enemy near the village of Shevchenko, not far from the city of Vugledar.

«Our soldiers demonstrated a high level of combat readiness, bravely met the enemy attack and honorably fulfilled their duty to the Fatherland», — noted in the brigade.

During the battle, the Ukrainian military suffered losses, including the MaxxPro armored vehicle was lost during a counterattack.

«Memory of the fallen heroes who gave their lives in battle, but did not give up their positions. We continue to defend the independence of Ukraine», — emphasized in the brigade.

After the end of the battle, Ukrainian drone operators recorded destroyed military equipment of the Russian army. According to drone data, the Russians lost at least three T-80BV tanks, two MT-LB armored personnel carriers. and three infantry fighting vehicles «BMP-3».

One of the tanks 171;T-80BV» was equipped with a mine trawl «KMT-6», designed to clear the path for other armored vehicles. Summarizing the results of the battle, 3 tanks, 5 infantry fighting vehicles, 5 MT-LBs and a company of Russian marines were destroyed.

Recall that the Russian Federation may enter the Dnepropetrovsk region: the officer warned what tactics the Kremlin has chosen.

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