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Why men live less than women: experts named the main reason

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As you know, men live on average 10-15 years less than women.

This information was reported by the telegram channel «Advocate of Rights», URA-Inform reports.  

Experts have proven that the lower positivity of men’s lives is associated with the habit of restraining their emotions. And this is not surprising, because the stronger sex is taught this since childhood.

They noted that hiding emotions, excessive tightness, and unresponsiveness to external stimuli can lead to early strokes, heart attacks and psychosomatic disorders, shortening life men.

“A high level of testosterone means that a person is very reactive, but not all boys know how to reset their aggression and realize it,” they said experts.

They emphasized that men, experiencing emotions such as sadness, sadness and others, rarely find the opportunity and person to discuss it. It is for this reason that they begin to tighten and this becomes psychosomatized.

Recall that it was previously reported that foods that clog blood vessels were named: doctors gave recommendations on the diet.

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