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Why China sends a special envoy to Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the EU simultaneously: Beijing’s explanation

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Beijing believes that it plays an important role in paving the way for peace negotiations. To do this, they use the so-called “shuttle diplomacy” and send special envoy Li Hui to Ukraine, EU countries and Russia.

This information was reported by the Global Times, URA-Inform reports.  

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao said that Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine «does not correspond to the general interests of the international community».

She also added that China ready to cooperate to end the «conflict» and its political settlement. At the same time, Mao Ning called the war the «Ukrainian crisis».

She clarified that, starting from March 2, the special representative of the Chinese government, Li Hui, will visit the Russian Federation, EU headquarters, Poland, Ukraine, Germany and France for the second round of negotiations.

«Two years have passed since the beginning of the full escalation of the Ukrainian crisis, and the conflict drags on. The most urgent priority now is restoring peace. The sooner peace negotiations begin, the less harm there will be», — Mao Ning emphasized.

At the same time, she emphasized that during these two years, China had an in-depth exchange of information with all interested countries, including Russia and Ukraine, and played a constructive role in resolving the crisis.< /p>

China also published its position on a political solution to the crisis, and its special envoy traveled extensively to mediate between the various parties. Mao added that China did not sit idly by and did not add fuel to the fire, especially without profiting from the conflict.

We recall that it was previously reported that Zelensky made a special proposal to the Balkans: what the President of Ukraine wants to create.

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