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Evacuation will be carried out in the Kharkov region: Sinegubov warned who needs to prepare

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In the Kharkov region they are preparing to expand measures for the forced evacuation of families with children in 18 settlements.

This information was confirmed by the head of the Kharkov regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov, reports URA-Inform with reference to Sinegubov’s telegram channel.

&# 171;In the near future, at a meeting of the Regional Defense Council, it is planned to discuss the issue of forced evacuation of families with children from 18 villages of the Velikoburluk and Olkhovat communities. Currently, families with 161 children live in these settlements», — Sinegubov noted.

He emphasized that every day these families are in danger due to the use of a full arsenal of weapons by the Russian armed forces, including artillery, unmanned aerial vehicles, mortars and aircraft.

«1082 children live in 57 settlements of Velikoburlukskaya, Olkhovatovskaya, Kondrashovskaya and Kurilovskaya communities. We plan to expand the mandatory evacuation list in these areas. We have requests from the Kupyansk regional military administration», — graduated from the head of the Kharkov OVA.

Recall that the Russian Federation received a secret plan for a counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2023: Budanov revealed the details.

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