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General mobilization: in one of the regions they began issuing summonses around the clock

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This became possible after changes were made to the regulations on the TCC.

About this information Roman Skripnik reported, URA-Inform reports.  

In the Cherkasy region, territorial recruitment centers operate 24/7, except for curfew.

Deputy head of the Cherkasy regional TCC and joint venture, Colonel Roman Skrypnyk, explained that now   men liable for military service can receive a summons 24 hours a day. According to him, appropriate changes have been made to the regulations on TCCs.

«According to these changes, TCCs operate around the clock according to the 24/7 formula. Summons are served 24 hours a day, except during curfew. Also, if the person liable for military service himself arrived at night at the TCC — We provide him with a full consultation, issue a summons and invite him to come in the morning», — Skrypnyk noted.

He emphasized that there were five such cases in the Cherkasy region. The colonel also added that groups responsible for the activities of the TCC and the joint venture are now working. Each group can provide advice on any issue.

Recall that it was previously reported that Syrsky made personnel changes: “I am forced to make such decisions.”

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