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House for 1 euro: where is the cheapest housing abroad, and how can you buy it?

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In fact, purchasing real estate abroad is sometimes cheaper than in Ukraine, thanks to various programs that provide houses even for a symbolic cost, for example, 1 euro.

This information was reported by Radiotrek, reports URA-Inform.  

Which cities have the cheapest houses, and how can you buy them?

Sambuca, Italy

In regions with low population densities, towns and villages provide affordable housing, thereby stimulating local revitalization and preventing empty buildings. Local authorities are actively working on urban development, trying to attract new residents. However, two nuances should be taken into account:

— houses in Sambuca are far from new;

— everyone who buys a home undertakes to renovate it within 3 years and spend 15 thousand euros.

Roubaix, France

Real estate can be sold for 1 -2 euros, but for such a low cost it often requires significant repairs, and the condition is to live in the house for 5 years with significant investment in its restoration.

Okutama, Japan

In Japan, there is a belief that after a tragic event, such as the death of a person, a house should not be continued to be lived in. This leads to the fact that local residents leave their houses, while foreigners buy them.

Those who become the owner of such a «spoiled» real estate, a special program is available that sets the age of the new owner no older than 43 years, with an obligation to live in the house for 22 years, after which the housing becomes their property.

Buffalo, USA

In the USA, there is an Urban Homestead Program, which provides the opportunity to purchase a home for 1 euro, subject to living in the house for 3 years and making serious investments in its renovation. The program gives residents of Buffalo the opportunity not to destroy old houses, but entrusts repairs to the owners themselves at their own expense.

We recall that it was previously reported that Poland is preparing changes for Ukrainian refugees: they want to make them stricter.

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