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Product for longevity: doctors said it should be consumed daily

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In light of recent research conducted by doctors, there has been surprising confirmation that one product can become not only a nutritious breakfast, but also a secret ingredient for longevity.

This information was reported by the “Doctor in Pocket” telegram channel, reports URA-Inform.

The unusual discovery came after a long and carefully monitored 100 thousand subjects for 15 years, during which doctors analyzed their nutritional habits and lifestyle.

The results of the study were astounding: people who regularly consumed whole grain oatmeal in their diet had a 9% increase in lower risk of premature death compared to those who did not include this product in their diet.

This is a significant reduction risk is associated with the rich nutritional composition of oatmeal, which has a positive effect on the human body and promotes overall health.

This discovery opens new horizons in understanding the relationship between nutrition and longevity, and may serve as the basis for the development of recommendations for healthy lifestyle, including the consumption of oatmeal as an important element of the diet.

Let us remind you that you need to drink when you are stressed: doctors have given an important recommendation.

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