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Another war could start by the end of the week: where the escalation began

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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan warned about the threat of war with Azerbaijan.

This information was reported Pashinyan, reports URA-Inform.  

In particular, Azerbaijan demands that Armenia leave the territory of four villages in the border zone. If Yerevan refuses, by the end of the week a war will begin between the countries.

This could happen if Yerevan does not compromise with Baku on the issue of villages that are considered enclaves, — that is, territories inhabited by Azerbaijanis within Armenia. 

The Armenian leader met with the residents of these villages and during communication explained to them that the Armenian authorities are forced to adjust the state border in the border areas of the Tavush region in order to avoid a new armed conflict.

«Now we can leave here, let's go and tell Azerbaijan that no, we are not going to do anything. This means that at the end of the week a war will begin,” Pashinyan said.

The Prime Minister added that he knows what the end of this war will be, so he voiced his guesses. According to him, after the next armed clash, local residents will ask him why, having information about the threat of hostilities, he did not warn them in advance.

We recall that it was previously reported that Putin may have a “secret conspiracy” with Lavrov and Shoigu: an insider said what the idea was.

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