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Are there plans to increase electricity tariffs: statement from the Ministry of Energy

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The government made a statement regarding electricity tariffs.

This information was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy, URA-Inform reports.  

The Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko said that as of today there are no decisions regarding an increase in electricity tariffs due to its shortage due to attacks by Russian invaders on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.

According to the official, Ukraine continues to verify the damage that the enemy caused to the energy infrastructure during the missile attack on March 22.

«I don’t see today that this will somehow dramatically solve our situation. There are currently no decisions on tariffs, the fate of PSO or an export ban. We are now focusing on recording the consequences of the attacks. Then we will come up with numbers, recovery timelines, and from this we will make decisions on relevant issues», — Galushchenko said.

Therefore, concrete conclusions regarding the increase in electricity tariffs are possible when there is a clear understanding of the amount of damage caused to the Ukrainian energy sector.

«This was the largest attack ever a period of great aggression. We do not yet have a complete understanding of how damaged the objects are. There are large rubbles, they are now being cleared, and not everywhere there is access to equipment to check the condition. Regarding the amount of damage — the real numbers will become clear after the damage is verified. But I think we are definitely talking about billions. Of course, we will continue to demand all these amounts from the aggressor in appropriate legal actions», — says the minister.

Also, the head of the Ministry of Energy noted that Ukraine has the opportunity to import electricity from European countries. Ukraine is turning to ENTSO-E (European Network of Electricity Transmission System Operators) to increase the corresponding volumes.

We would like to remind you that it was previously reported that pensions will be increased from April: which Ukrainians will be affected by the changes.

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