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Budanov made a new promise on Crimea: the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region warned that the special services were preparing

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Major General Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, revealed details of new strategic operations that are planned for the annexed Crimea .

This information is presented by the Donpress resource, reports URA-Inform.

These ambitious steps were discussed by him during an interview for a documentary project called «GUR. Battle of the sea». To questions from journalists about the possibility of new military operations in Crimea, General Budanov answered with confidence:

«Yes, preparations for new operations are in full swing. And they are inevitable. The upcoming warm weather will only stimulate our activity. We will resolutely continue to act to return Crimea to its rightful territory. It’s a matter of time, but Crimea will come back.

These words reflect the readiness and determination of the Ukrainian army and its leadership in the matter of restoring sovereignty over Crimea. At the same time, they also emphasize the strategic vision and plans for the future, aimed at restoring the territorial integrity of the country even in the conditions of a full-scale war of the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian state.

Remember, this is the first “black swan” for Putin – Osechkin said what will happen soon in the Russian Federation.

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