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Elon Musk once again spoke about the war in Ukraine: what he predicts

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American billionaire and inventor Elon Musk, who has repeatedly made scandalous statements regarding the war in Ukraine, issued another «frightening forecast&# 187;.

Musk reported this information on his social network X, reports URA-Inform.  

He expressed the belief that the Russian army can «reach the Dnieper» and occupy Odessa if the war lasts longer.

On his social network X, he wrote that «it was a tragic loss of life for Ukraine to attack a large army that had deep defenses, minefields and strong artillery, when Ukraine lacked armor or air superiority.

«Any fool could have foreseen this. A year ago, I recommended that Ukraine gain a foothold and use all resources for defense. Even then, it is difficult to hold onto land that does not have strong natural barriers», — he spoke out.

Musk admitted that Russia is not capable of capturing the entire country, because local resistance will be extremely strong, but he believes that «Russia will definitely get more land than it has today». In his opinion, this will happen provided that «the longer the war lasts».

«The more territory will be conquered Russia until it reaches the Dnieper, which is difficult to overcome. But if the war lasts long enough, Odessa will fall. Whether Ukraine will lose all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my opinion, a real question that remains open. I recommend a negotiated settlement before this happens», — he wrote.

Recall that it was previously reported what Ukraine will be forced to do without US help: Zelensky gave a forecast.

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