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Doctors named vitamins, the excess of which often provokes hair loss

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Questions about hair health always remain relevant for many people. People often pay attention to what vitamins they need to take to strengthen their hair and prevent hair loss. However, some of these same vitamins, instead of having a beneficial effect on hair, can lead to hair loss.

URA-Inform reports this, citing She Finds.

Doctors and experts Hair care professionals point out several vitamins that can have a negative impact on hair health if their intake is not controlled.

One such vitamin is vitamin A, or retinol. Although this vitamin is considered important for healthy skin and hair, too much of it in the body can lead to hair problems.

Another vitamin linked to potential hair loss is vitamin E. Vitamin E is commonly associated with antioxidant properties. and improved blood circulation, overall this has a positive effect on hair health. However, excess consumption of this vitamin can also cause negative effects, including hair loss.

Selenium — another element that, although important for hair health, in excess can lead to hair loss. Selenium is a key component of many enzymes that are involved in regulating body functions. However, excess selenium can lead to nuclear poisoning and, as a result, hair problems.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to maintain a balance when consuming these vitamins and minerals. Although they are important for the overall health of the body, their excess can negatively affect the health of the hair.

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