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China proposed its peace plan for Ukraine: Lavrov has already agreed

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The Chinese authorities once again emphasized their position in relation to the “Ukrainian crisis”, arguing that there should be no clear winners and losers in this conflict.

This information was reported by the official website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, reports URA-Inform.

The representative of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, made a statement that the political resolution of the conflict should strive for peace, and not for the victory of one of the parties.

< p>He stressed that China will continue to play a constructive role in achieving this goal and will not take advantage of the situation.

Wang Wenbin also noted that China has not transferred and does not plan to transfer weapons to any of the parties to the conflict . He expressed dissatisfaction with criticism from some countries of China for its relations with Russia.

It should be noted that the ceasefire plan proposed by China last year was assessed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as the most suitable.< /p>

He noted that this plan was developed taking into account common interests and prospects. However, this plan has drawn criticism from Ukraine and Western partners, since it does not provide for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the occupied Ukrainian territories.

Thus, China’s position in the «Ukrainian crisis» remains neutral, with an emphasis on finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict and the lack of unequivocal support for any of the parties.

Recall that Shoigu talked with a representative of the West about the peace track in Ukraine: what they came to.

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