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Ukrainian children in Poland will have a new obligation: it has become known where they should go

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An important decision was announced by the Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine, Joanna Mucha, regarding the compulsory attendance of Ukrainian children at local schools in Poland.

This information was reported by the telegram channel “Country Politics”, reports “URA-Inform”.

According to Mucha, the Ministry of Education of Poland is already preparing a corresponding bill, which is in the final stage of preparation.

«The Ukrainian side is showing great interest in introducing compulsory attendance at Polish schools for Ukrainian children. We are actively working in cooperation with them, using proposals received from the Ukrainian side. Most of the program is already ready, and we are waiting for the final approval of the law», — Mukha noted.

It is previously known that Ukrainian language lessons will be organized for Ukrainian children in schools in Poland. For this purpose, teachers from Ukraine will be involved. According to data known in advance, about 50-60 thousand Ukrainian children are outside the scope of the Polish education system.

Recall that the world has moved from the post-war to the pre-war period: statement by the head of the British Ministry of Defense.

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