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Cooperation between China and the Russian Federation: Blinken reported alarming information

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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken shared alarming information with allies about the scale of cooperation between China and the Russian Federation.

This information was reported by the Financial Times, URA-Inform reports.  

The publication, citing three unnamed officials, said that Blinken, in communication with colleagues from the European Union and NATO, said that China is helping Russia «on a worrisome scale» by providing tools and technology.

According to these sources, Blinken listed among the key elements of such assistance the production of optical equipment, propellant and space equipment and said that it “not only contributes to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, but also threatens other countries.”

One of the interlocutors assured that this sounded like «very clear warnings» and that «there had been a shift, and it was felt in the room, a new development had taken place».

The sources added that Blinken, in conversations with allies, called on them to take three steps in this regard – speak directly on this topic with China during bilateral contacts, and publicly express concern about deepening cooperation between China and Russia.

And also take action against companies that clearly help the Russian military-industrial complex. The Biden administration is said to be particularly concerned about providing missile fuel.

Following discussions in Guangzhou, China on Friday and Saturday, the US Treasury issued a communiqué in which Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stressed that companies, particularly companies in China, should not provide material support for Russia's war against Ukraine, as this will lead to significant consequences if they do so.

Financial Times analysts noted that this is one of the harshest warnings from the United States to Beijing.

We recall that it was previously reported that Putin could be forced to end the war: the expert voiced the only condition.

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